인간태아의 뇌로부터 유래된 cDNA liberary에서 내생레트로바이러스 HERV-W pol 유전자의 동정과 계통

Identification and phylogenetic analysis of the human endogenous retrovirus HERV-W pol in cDNA library of human fetal brain

  • Kim, Heui-Soo (Division of Biological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Pusan National University) ;
  • Jeon, Seung-Heui (Division of Biological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Pusan National University) ;
  • Yi, Joo-Mi (Division of Biological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Pusan National University) ;
  • Kim, Tae-Hyung (Interdisciplinary Program of Bioinformatics, Pusan National University) ;
  • Lee, Won-Ho (Division of Biological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Pusan National University)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


인간 내생 레트로바이러스 HERV-W는 다발성 경화증 환자로부터 탐지된 MSRV와 연루되어 있다. 인간 태아의 뇌로부터 유래된 cDNA library를 이용하여 PCR법으로 2개의 HERV-W 패밀리(HWP-FB10과 HWP-FB12)를 동정하고 분석하였다. 그들은 HERV-W (accession no. AF009668)와 89%의 염기서열의 유사성을 보였다. Pol 유전자를 아미노산의 서열로 분석해 본 결과 점돌연변이 또는 삽입/결실로 말미암아 frameshift 및 종결코돈을 나타내었다. 유전자정보의 데이터베이스를 이용하여 HERV-W 패밀리간의 분자계통분류도를 작성해 본 결과 HWP-FB10은 인간의 염색체 7q21-22로부터 유래된 AC000064와 매우 가깝게 관련되어 있음을 시사하였다. 이들의 새로운 HERV-W pol 패밀리가 이웃하는 어떤 유전자와 상호 연결되어 있으며, 어떠한 기능을 수행하는지에 대한 전망에 대해 토의하였다.

A human endogenous retroviral family (HERV-W) has recently been described that is related to multiple sclerosis-associated retrovirus (MSRV) sequences that have been identified in particles recovered from monocyte cultures from patients with multiple sclerosis. Two pol fragments (HWP-FB10 and HWP-FBl2) of HERV-W family were identified and analysed by the PCR approach with cDNA library of human fetal brain. They showed 89 percent nucleotide sequence similarity with that of the HERV-W (accession no. AF009668). Deletion/insertion or point mutation in the coding region of the pol fragments from human fetal brain resulted in amino acid frameshift that induced a mutated protein. Phylogenetic analysis of the HERV-W family from GenBank database indicates that the HWP-FB10 is very closely related to the AC000064 derived from human chromosome 7q21-q22. Further studies on the genetic relationship with neighbouring genes and functional role of these new HERV-W pol sequences are indicated.



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