The Determinants of Appearance Management Behaviors

외모가꾸기 행동의 결정요인 분석

  • 김민정 (계명대학교 소비자정보학과)
  • Published : 2003.06.01


Recently 'lookism' is prevalent in Korean society. Lookism is a thought that one of causes of unequality of the mankinds is the appearance. The appearance is not only endowed but is made by efforts. Korean market related beauty including cosmetics occupied over $15billion. The purpose of this study is to find the determinants of the appearance management behaviors. Considering social characteristics of Korea and previous literatures, Collectivism, body image were chosen as an explaining variables. And self-esteem, attitudes toward sex roles and the shopping orientation and some demographic variables were selected. For the data analysis, 514 questionnaire for male and female in Daegu were collected. The determinants of appearance management behaviors were perceived level of living, concerns toward thinness, shopping orientation, appearance evaluation, female, family oriented thinking, belief in appearance power, attitude toward sex roles.
