A Study on the Nutrients Intake and Blood Pressure of Korean Farmers in Summer

농업인의 여름철 영양소 섭취 및 혈압상태에 관한 연구

  • 이성현 (농촌진흥청 농업과학기술원 농촌생활연구소 농업연구사) ;
  • 정금주 (농촌진흥청 농업과학기술원 농촌생활연구소 농업연구사) ;
  • 이연숙 (서울대 식품영양학과) ;
  • 이승교 (수원대 식품영양학과) ;
  • 조숙자 (서원대 가정교육과)
  • Published : 2003.06.01


This study was carried out to investigate the nutrients intakes, blood pressure, and correlations between these two factors in Korean rural adults(60 men, 60 women). Nutrients intakes were measured by analyzing with CAN Pro after weighing the each diets of the subjects had for 24 hours. We measured body mass index(BMI), waist to hip ratio(WHR), and fat content in the body besides blood pressure, and considered their relationship with blood pressure. This examination includes collections and analysis of serum and urine, and considers the correlations between blood pressure and serum or urinary factors. These results were as follows ; 1) The mean ages of men and women were 50.$\pm$12.6 and 46.0$\pm$12.5, respectively. The percentage of hypertensive was higher in men(43%) than in women(37%). 2) The values of WHR, body water and lean body mass were higher in men and the value of body fat was higher in women. Weight, BMI, waist or hip circumferences, and WHR were correlated with blood pressure in these subjects. 3) Though the levels of serum triglyceride, sodium, potassium and iron levels were higher in men and urinary Na was higher in women, these factors didn't showed any significant correlations with blood pressure in both sexes. 4) The values of calcium and vitamin B$_2$ intake in men and women, and of iron intake in women didn't meet the Korean recommended allowances(RDA). Animal protein and Na intakes were negatively correlated with blood pressure. These results showed that the levels of calcium and vitamin B$_2$ intake in both sexes and iron intake in women were lower than those of RDA, and weight, BMI, waist or hip circumferences and WHR were significantly correlated with blood pressure. Therefore we suggest that the farmers of this research need to increase intake of nutrients like calcium and vitamin B$_2$ and control the weight.
