The Clothing Image of Avatar

아바타의 의복이미지

  • Published : 2003.05.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the usage condition of avatar, the clothing images of avatars, and the difference of self images among avatar user groups which were clustered by the clothing image of using avatar. Avatars were decorated not only to get personal satisfaction and joyfulness but also to realize the desire of relationship with other people. The clothing images of avatars were classified into 7 factors, which were labeled as cute, mature, sexy, old-fashion, unisex. and unique factors. There were no significant differences in self images among 3 avatar user groups which were clustered by 7 factors of clothing images. The result indicated that avatar users pursued various clothing images for their avatar, however, no significant relations were existed between avatar's images and user's self images and further studies would be required to find out significant variables which determined avatar's clothing images.



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