아내학대에 대한 생태체계적 접근

An Ecological Systemic Approach on the Wife Abuse

  • 김정란 (전남대학교 생활환경복지학과) ;
  • 김경신 (전남대학교 생활환경복지학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.04.01


The purposes of this study were to analyze causes of wife abuse through married couples as the research subject. The study employed ecological perspective to the study of wife abuse as an multiple dimensional and integrated paradigm combined with isolated theories of other research. The subjects were 369 married couples who live in Gwangju area. Data were analyzed with Cronbach'α, factor analysis, basic statistics, paired-t test, 1-test, ANOVA, Duncan's test, correlation analysis, stepwise multiple regression analysis. and hierarchical regression analysis using the SPSS 10.0 for windows. The major findings were as follows; 1. The psychological abuse score, physical abuse score, and sexual abuse score were lower than median without exception. Hut prevalence rates of wife abuse were considerably serious; 91.9% psychological abuse, 44.4% physical abuse, and 53.7% sexual abuse. 2. The results of the hierarchical regression analysis indicated that the marital conflict had the strongest impact on wife abuse. And the attitude toward wife abuse of husband, hostility of husband, exposure experience of domestic violence during a growth period of husband, perception toward social violence of husband, exposure experience of domestic violence during a growth period of wife, drinking problem of husband, and interpersonal relationships stress of husband had influenced on wife abuse. These variables accounted for 49.5% of variance of wife abuse behaviors. As the result of the study, it concludes that the ecological systemic approach on the cause of wife abuse is useful as a theoretical instrument. Suggestions and implications are made for further research and practical application.



  1. 가족학논집 v.9 가족주의와 가부장적 테러리즘으로서 아내구타 공미혜
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  4. 간이정신진단검사 김광일;김재환;원호택
  5. 정신건강연구 v.3 아내구타에 대한 태도조사 김광자;김광일
  6. 연세사회복지연구 v.2 아동학대의 세대간 전승을 단절시키는 생태학적 변인연구 김기환
  7. 고정연구 v.4 가정폭력에 관한 연구-아내구타행위를 중심으로- 김보환
  8. 대한가정학회지 v.36 no.10 스트레스 및 알콜이 아내구타에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 김재엽
  9. 중앙대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 부적 정동과 사회적 기대가 직무스트레스와 그 결과에 미치는 영향 김정인
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  12. 피해자학연구 v.6 남편의 아내에 대한 폭력에 영향을 미치는 요인-남편의 자기통제력을 중심으로 민수홍
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  14. 이화여자대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 매맞은 아내들의 학습된 무기력에 관한 연구 박미은
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