Empirical Comparisons of Disparity Measures for Partial Association Models in Three Dimensional Contingency Tables

  • Jeong, D.B. (Department of Information Statistics, Kangnung National University) ;
  • Hong, C.S. (Department of Statistics, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Yoon, S.H. (Department of Statistics, Sungkyunkwan University)
  • 발행 : 2003.04.01


This work is concerned with comparison of the recently developed disparity measures for the partial association model in three dimensional categorical data. Data are generated by using simulation on each term in the log-linear model equation based on the partial association model, which is a proposed method in this paper. This alternative Monte Carlo methods are explored to study the behavior of disparity measures such as the power divergence statistic I(λ), the Pearson chi-square statistic X$^2$, the likelihood ratio statistic G$^2$, the blended weight chi-square statistic BWCS(λ), the blended weight Hellinger distance statistic BWHD(λ), and the negative exponential disparity statistic NED(λ) for moderate sample sizes. We find that the power divergence statistic I(2/3) and the blended weight Hellinger distance family BWHD(1/9) are the best tests with respect to size and power.



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