흉골 골절로 발생한 종격동혈종에 의한 급성 심낭외 압전 -2예 보고 -

Acute Extrapericardial Tamponade by Hemomediastinum by Sternal Fracture -Two case report-

  • 허진 (안동병원 흉부외과) ;
  • 구본원 (창원파티마병원 흉부외과) ;
  • 이진웅 (안동병원 응급의학과) ;
  • 김효윤 (안동병원 흉부외과)
  • Hur, Jin (Dept. of General Thoracic Surgery, Andong General Hospital) ;
  • Goo, Bon-Won (Dept. of General Thoracic Surgery, Changwoon Fatima Hospital) ;
  • Lee, Jin-Woong (Dept. of Emergency Medicine, Andong General Hospital) ;
  • Kim, Hyo-Yoon (Dept. of General Thoracic Surgery, Andong General Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


흉골골절은 흉부외상에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 손상으로 합병증 없이 잘 회복되며 골절에 의한 종격동혈종도 대부분 양성경과를 보이며 드물게 심혈관 손상을 동반한다. 저자들은 흉골골절에서 다른 출혈의 원인 없이 골절 자체에 의한 출혈로 생긴 종격동혈종에 의한 심낭외 압전을 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

Sternal fracture is relatively common in chest trauma. Mediastinal hematoma secondary to sternal fracture is not in common, and it has minor symptoms such as mild dyspnea and chest tightness, which usually resolve spontaneously. We experienced two cases of extrapericardial tamponade by hematoma caused by sternal fractures. Two patients were diagnosed by chest CT scan and sent to the operating room within 2 hours after arriving at emergency room because of unstable vital signs. Cardiovascular signs were relieved immediatly after the operation. We report these cases with a brief review of the literature.



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  3. J Cardiovasc Surg v.42 Extrapericardial cardiac tampinade caused by traumatic retrosternal hematoma Rambbaud G;Desachy A;Francois B;Allot V;Cornu E;Vignon P.
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