공급체인상의 조직간 관계적 특징이 신뢰에 미치는 영향 : -남성정장메이커와 대리점을 중심으로

An Impact of Firm's Relational Characteristics on the Trust in Supply Chains : Focus on Textile Maker and Retailer

  • 발행 : 2003.02.01


The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of firm's various kind of characteristics on the oust in the supply chains between the textile makers and the retailers. Based on the preceding literature review. six hypotheses are proposed. To test the proposed hypotheses, data were collected utilizing questionnaires from 68 retailers(fashion shop). To analyze the data the SPSSWin statistical package was employed. Two(H4 and H6) out of six hypotheses were accepted, the others were rejected. According to the results, the greater the impact of the shared value and the reputation for the retailers on the textile maker is, the stronger the trust of the retailers in the textile maker is. Based on the research results, we can conclude that the trust management is a very important factor in the supply chains between the textile makers and the retailers.



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