SI 프로젝트 계약 및 수행 개선 이슈 분석

An Analysis on Contract and Business Issues of SI Projects

  • 김현수 (국민대학교 비즈니스IT학부)
  • 발행 : 2003.05.31


SI(System Integration) Projects need more efficient project processes. Having efficient contracting laws and regulations is one of the critical success factors for SI industry growth. Former researches developed a framework for efficient contracting laws and regulations for SI industry based on the characteristics of SI business and SI industry. However, the effectiveness of the proposed framework has not been analyzed. This paper tests the validity and effectiveness of the proposed framework. Emprical analysis has been performed to show consensus of each interested parties. Developers and outsourcers have some conflicts in several critical issues of SI project processes. However, comprehensive analysis shows overall consensus among interested parties.



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