The Technique of Special Make-up by Latex Materials

라텍스 재료에 의한 특수분장 표현기법

  • 이화진 (에이스 미디어 프로덕션)
  • Published : 2003.11.30


The purpose of this study was to discuss how make-up materials were used for the design techniques of special make-up that is part of impersonation, what kinds of materials were applied to special make-up design and how they were utilized, in a bid to find out more materials available for each of diverse design techniques in pursuit of better make-up design. The most widely used materials were divided into transformational and supplementary types, and the focus of this study was placed on two different design techniques. One put transformational materials to use, and the other utilized supplementary materials that also could serve as alternative and effect materials. Unlike general make-up that pursues beauty, special make-up focuses on realistic effect, and it cannot make any progress without newer, diverse materials which are increasingly gaining in importance. Although special make-up designing is a skilled technique that requires systematic knowledge of theories, proper materials and repeated practice, there is no absolute standard for it, since it is a product of imagination and depends on delicate hand skills and its effect hinges on individual viewer's visual perspective. In the future, more comprehensive and broader-scale experiments are called for to tackle this problem.
