헤어와 메이크업 일러스트레이션 기법 연구 -사실적 표현기법에 의한 작품제작을 중심으로-

A Study of Hair and Make up illustration Techniques -focusing on production based on graphical expression techniques-

  • 구자명 (한성대학교 예술대학원 패션예술학과)
  • Kuh, Ja-Myung (Dept. of fashion Art & Design, Graduate School of Hansung University)
  • 발행 : 2003.11.30


This research is to provide practical help in learning hair and makeup illustration skills by presenting techniques for hair and makeup drawing; to serve efficient illustration education; and to enhance the status of beauty and contribute to artistic development. Hair style and makeup techniques include graphical one, pattern-centered one, one using pattern paper, simplifying one and mood one expressing image. Of them, this research made the illustrations to use cosmetics, color pencils and pastel based on the graphical technique. for each design of the illustrations, ethnic, sexy, natural, romantic and gorgeous images, which were considered to be appropriate to the graphical technique, were chosen by the researcher out of hair and makeup styles that appeared in the fashion magazines including Vogue, Gap, Mode et Mode from 2000 through 2001. In particular, they were chosen with focusing on basic styles. The summaries below were found with the experience of making illustrations. Various techniques and skills are required to express the ideas of hair and makeup styles. Of them, the graphical technique is very useful as the primary step to learn various techniques and improve drawing skills. First, the graphical technique may enable not only expressing what is desired to draw as is, but also accurately representing hair and makeup designs so as to convey objective expression. In this regard, it is a proper way to achieve its inherent purpose as conveyance of messages. Second, more accurate styling of hair and makeup is available through graphical expression, which helps understand related practical techniques. In addition, makeup illustration, which is expressed through direct makeup products and instruments, may serve skill improvement since such direct use provides the feeling of real makeup. Third, the graphical technique as a basic drawing skill may unrestrictedly show the artist's expression ability. Fourth, although artistic merits implying individuality and creativity should be shared through illustrations that express the artist's ideas or emotions, the graphical technique is the easiest method to beginners who just started learning of illustration, in that it enables expression without highly advanced skills.
