두드러기의 원인 증상 및 침구치료에 관한 문헌적 연구

A Literatural study of the acupuncture on Dudurugi(두드러기)

  • 황배연 (우석대학교 한의과대학 경혈학교실) ;
  • 홍승원 (우석대학교 한의과대학 경혈학교실) ;
  • 이상룡 (우석대학교 한의과대학 경혈학교실)
  • Hwang Bae-Youn (Dept. of Meridian & Acupoint, College of Oriental Medicine, Woo-suk University) ;
  • Hong Seung-Won (Dept. of Meridian & Acupoint, College of Oriental Medicine, Woo-suk University) ;
  • Lee Sang-Ryong (Dept. of Meridian & Acupoint, College of Oriental Medicine, Woo-suk University)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.27


This study is performed to investigate the cause, symptom and acupuncture on Dudurugi through the literature of oriental medicine. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. Dudurugi is caused by exogenous pathogenic factors(wind, heat, cold, damp), sthenic inter damage factors(heat accumulated in the intestine and stomach, blood-heat, blood-stasia) and asthenia inter damage factors(asthenia of the spleen and stomach, blood-asthenia, asthenia of energy-blood, yin-asthenia and blood-dryness, yan-asthenia and energy-asthenia). 2. The symptom of Dudurugi is appeared in the skin and its surface is processed apparently or itch. 3. The treatment of Dudurugi was used by expelling the wind with removing pathogen. 4. In the treatment of Dudurugi, The su-yangmyong taejang-kyong of 12 merdians was mainly used and, the kokchi(LI11) of acupoints was most used in the acupuncture and moxibustion. 5. In the treatment of Dudurugi, acupoints of tok-maek and chok-t'aeyangkyong were mainly used in the case of showing symptoms caused by exogenous pathogenic factors and, acupoints of chok-t'aemkyong were mainly used in the case of showing symptoms caused by damp-heat accumulated in the intestine and stomach. When there were any other symptoms accompanied, other acupoints were more used.



  1. 校勸直譯黃帝內經素問 v.1 洪元植
  2. 黃帝內經素間靈權釋解 橋稚傑
  3. 大韓韓醫學會誌 隱涉(導凉彦)에 對한 文獻約 考祭 李廷淑;處石善;金漢星
  4. 鐵美配穴事典 金廉植;李任根
  5. 알레르기와 韓方 奎萬
  6. 鐵美學 劉冠軍
  7. 오늘의 진단 및 치료 강병철
  8. 家庭醫學 의학교육연수원
  9. 諸病源候論 集元方
  10. 備急千金要方 孫思畿
  11. 仁齋直指方 楊士液
  12. 丹溪心浩附餘 方廣
  13. 東醫寶鑑 許淺
  14. 幼幼集成 陳徑正
  15. 聖濟總錄 超桔
  16. 中醫臨床준冊 原安微中醫擧院(編)
  17. 常見病症辨證診治槪要 白洪光
  18. 叢用中醫外科學 顧伯華
  19. 中醫外科學 上海中醫學院(編)
  20. 中醫症狀鑑別診斷學 中醫硏究院
  21. 臨庶各科疾病療浩 顧伯華
  22. 醫門寶鑑 周命新
  23. 診療要鑑 金定濟
  24. 最新漢方臨床學 裵元植
  25. 鐵努大成校釋 權寧斗(影印)
  26. 中國誠美證治通監 鄧良月;黃龍祥
  27. 針炎學 上海中醫學院
  28. 吳惠平鑛美學 吳惠平
  29. 알기쉬운 침구학 노윤혁
  30. 鐵美大事典 程室書
  31. 鐵美 楊醫竝
  32. 東醫外科學 東醫學硏究所
  33. 怒證鑛美備要 劉冠軍
  34. 誠美學(下), 崔容泰(外)
  35. 增補臨床韓方講座 孫仁喆
  36. \國譯鐵努經緯解釋 大圈大學檀 韓醫科大學 第6期 來業準備委員會
  37. 東醫疇庶指針 金庚植
  38. 나가노式 新鐵努療法(臨廉綜合篇) 長野(潔)
  39. 美治療學 임종국