A CRM Study on the Using of Data Mining - Focusing on the "A" Fashion Company -

데이타마이닝을 이용(利用)한 CRM 사례연구(事例硏究) - A 패션기업(企業)을 중심(中心)으로 -

  • Lee, Yu-Soon (Dept. of Management, Ewha Womans University, Cheil Industries, Samsung Fashion Institute)
  • 이유순 (이화여자대학교 대학원 경영학과, 제일모직 삼성패션연구소)
  • Published : 2002.12.30


In this study, we proposed a method to be standing customers as the supporting system for the improvement of fashion garment industry which was the marginal growth getting into full maturity of market. As for the customer creation method of Fashion garment company is developing a marketing program to be standing customer as customer scoring to estimate a existing customer‘s buying power, and figure out minimum fixed sales of company to use a future purchasing predict. This study was a result of data from total sixty thousands data to be created for the 11 months from september. 2000 to July. 2001. The data is part of which the company leading the Korean fashion garment industry has a lot of a customer purchasing history data. But this study used only 48,845 refined purchased data to discriminate from sixty thousands data and 21,496 customer case with the exception of overlapping purchased data among of those. The software used to handle sixty thousands data was SAS e-miner. As the analysis process is put in to operation the analysis of the purchasing customer’s profile firstly, and the second come into basket analysis to consider the buying associations for Association goods, the third estimate the customer grade of Customer loyalty by 3 ways of logit regression analysis, decision tree, Artificial Neural Network. The result suggested a method to be estimate the customer loyalty as 3 independent variables, 2 coefficients. The 3 independent variables are total purchasing amount, purchasing items per one purchase, payment amount by one purchasing item. The 2 coefficients are royal and normal for customer segmentation. The result was that this model use a logit regression analysis was valid as the method to be estimate the customer loyalty.



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