환경영향평가 교재의 내실화 방안 - 국내외 도서의 비교검토를 통해 본 교재의 내실화 방안 -

A Study on the Substaintiality Program of Teaching Material on Environmental Impact Assessment - Comparative Study in Domestic and Foreign Teaching Materials -

  • 발행 : 2002.09.30


Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a tool used in planning development strategies and projects, and its use has been adopted into planning regulations in a number of countries. EIA has progressed from the consideration of pollution assessment, through the wider range of ecological assessment. Now EIA is required to consider the textbook of university students. Students taking lesson on EIA textbook are generally majoring in a variety of subjects, including environmental engineering, environmental health, environmental science, city planning, civil engineering, public policy, economics, and applied earth sciences. However, substantiality program of teaching material on EIA textbook has not been studied at expert society in the meantime, though a number of EIA textbook have been published every year in Korea. In current study, we presented the point at issue and improvement method of teaching material of EIA for student using domestic and foreign teaching materials and papers.



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