Virtual Manufacturing for an Automotive Company(III) - Construction and Operation of a Virtual Paint Shop

자동차 가상생산 기술 적용(III) - 가상 도장공장구축 및 운영

  • Noh, Sang-Do (School of Systems Management Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Kim, Duck-Young (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne) ;
  • Park, Young-Jin (Production Research Center, GM Daewoo Auto & Technology)
  • 노상도 (성균관대학교 시스템경영공학부) ;
  • 김덕영 (스위스 로잔공과대학 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 박영진 ((주)지엠대우자동차 생산기술연구소)
  • Received : 20020800
  • Accepted : 20021000
  • Published : 2002.12.31


Virtual Manufacturing is a technology to facilitate effective product development and agile production by computer models representing the physical and logical schema and the behavior of real manufacturing systems including manufacturing resources, environments and products. For the successful application of this technology, a virtual factory as a well-designed and integrated environment is essential. In this research, we constructed a sophisticated virtual factory model of an automotive company's paint shop, and performed precise simulations of unit cells, lines and whole plant operations for collision check and off-line programming. It is expected that this virtual paint shop is useful for achieving time and cost savings in many manufacturing preparation and planning activities of new car development processes.



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