멀티미디어 활용(活用)을 위한 유아교육(幼兒敎育) 환경(環境)

A Study on the multimedia settings in Kindergarten

  • 주영주 (이화여자대학교 교육공학과) ;
  • 곽은순 (경원전문대 유아교육과)
  • 발행 : 2002.03.15


Computers have become an indispensable part of everyday lives in 21st century. This is particularly true in early childhood education; multimedia use in kindergarten has rapidly grown in the last decade. Although ample research had been done on the issues of teachers' role in multimedia settings and selecting quality materials, few studies have been done on the proper environment for multimedia use in early childhood education. In this regard, this research examines the current status of multimedia use-animated illustration films, CD-ROM titles, and internet-in kindergarten. In addition, computer environment in kindergarten is investigated in order to provide guidelines for appropriate facilities and equipments. For smooth integration of computer activities into a school system, computers are located in ordinary classrooms in more than half of kindergarten in Seoul. Computers are used in independent lab settings in the last of the kindergarten in Seoul and there are four different types of lab settings. Among them computer at perimeter style is preferred for the ease of student-teacher, and student-student interactions. The importance of environment for early childhood education cannot be overestimated. It is so critical for early childhood education that the people in this field regard the environment as 'the third teacher' next to parents and teachers. Therefore the multimedia environment should also be considered seriously for the maximum use in early childhood institutions.



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