Passive Control of the Condensation Shock Wave Oscillation in a Supersonic Nozzle

초음속 노즐에서 발생하는 응축충격파 진동의 피동제어

  • 백승철 (경북대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 권순범 (경북대학교 기계공학부) ;
  • 김희동 (안동대학교 기계공학부)
  • Published : 2002.07.01


Rapid expansion of a moist air or a stream through a supersonic nozzle often leads to non-equilibrium condensation shock wave, causing a considerable energy loss in flow field. Depending on amount of latent heat released due to non-equilibrium condensation, the flow is highly unstable or a periodical oscillation accompanying the condensation shock wave in the nozzle. The unsteadiness of the condensation shock wave is always associated with several kinds of instabilities as well as noise and vibration of flow devices. In the current study, a passive control technique using a porous wall with a plenum cavity underneath is applied for the purpose of alleviation of the condensation shock oscillations in a transonic nozzle. A droplet growth equation is coupled with two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation system. Computations are carried out using a third-order MUSCL type TVD finite-difference scheme with a second-order fractional time step. An experiment using an indraft wind tunnel is made to validate the present computational results. The results show that the oscillations of the condensation shock wave are completely suppressed by the current passive control method.



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