팬터지를 이용한 독서지도에 관한 연구: 학생들의 창의력 제고를 중심으로

A Study on Reading Guidance for Creativity Enhancement by Using Fantasy Literature

  • 발행 : 2002.03.30


필자는 팬터지 문학작품을 이용하는 것이 학생들의 창의력 함양에 도움이 되는 이유를 밝히고 있다. 창의성이란 정보를 통합하는 두뇌활동 중에 생산되는 것인데 팬터지 작품은 등장인물이나 배경을 통하여 이질적인 현실세계와 비현실의 있을 수 없는 정보들을 하나의 이야기로 엮음으로써 이질적인 정보를 하나의 시스템에 통합시킨다. 팬터지를 읽는 독자의 두뇌는 매우 이질적 정보들이 시스템(이야기)화 하는 즉 정보 통합의 예를 경험하게 된다. 그러므로 독서지도에서 팬터지 작품을 많이 이용하면 학생들의 두뇌활동 중에 정보를 통합하는 기회가 많아 질 것이고 학생들은 자연히 창의성 함양의 기회를 많이 가질 수 있다.

The author describes the reasons why fantasy literature is more useful for reading guidance than realistic fiction. The activities of the human brain are in accordance with the activities of creating fantastic stories. She explains that the characteristics of creativity. according to the findings of psychologists and neuroscientists, are inherent in the activities of the human brain which is integrating information. These properties of information integrating are strongly immanent in fantasy literature. Fantasy literature provides the brains of readers with opportunities to integrate information because of its heterogeneity, for fantasy literature includes both realistic and unrealistic characters and settings comparable to those of realistic fiction. Also fantasy literature appeals to the curiosity and interest of young people, so students easily pay attention to it. Therefore, the author recommends that teacher-librarians use fantasy literature for reading guidance for students. In order to achieve successful reading guidance at school libraries, the author recommends the following. 1) A school library should have teacher-librarians who are well grounded in literature. 2) School authorities should elevate the teacher-librarian’s status to the same level as that of other teachers and create conditions such that teacher-librarians can best carry out their responsibilities. 4) It is necessary that a variety of lesson plans be developed for use by teacher-librarians.



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