Avifauna of Gap Stream in Daejeon Metropolitan City

갑천의 조류상

  • Lee, Joon-Woo (Dept. of Forest Resources, College of Agriculture & Life Science, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Lee, Do-Han (Geum River Basin Environmental Office) ;
  • Paik, In-Hwan (Ecotech Institute of Environmental Ecology)
  • Published : 2002.12.31


This study was conducted to investigate the avifauna of Gap stream in Daejeon metropolitan city from September in 2001 to August in 2002. For the monthly change of bird community, survey was carried at study area per each month, the obtained results could be summarized as follows. 1. The observed birds were 12 orders 31 families 83 species and 15900 individuals, 38 species are water bird as Herons, Dabbling ducks, Diving ducks, Rails, Sandpipers & Plovers and 45 species are land bird as Raptors, Woodpeckers, Wagtails, Thrushes, Warblers, Tits, Buntings, Crows. 2. These birds could be divided 29 residents, 29 summer visitors, 18 winter visitors, 7 passage migrants. 3. Among the birds, Chinese Sparrowhawk Accipiter soloensis, Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus, Kestrel Falco tinnunculus are legally protected species as natural monuments in Korea. 4. The major dominant species were Common Teal Anas crecca, Spot-billed Duck Anas poecilorhyncha, Mallard Anas platyrhynchos, Grey Heron Ardea cinerea, Magpie Pica pica, Little Egret Egretta garzetta in order, Gap stream should be appropriate habitats for dabbling ducks and herons. 5. Among the total number of 83 species, the highest number of species was 37 species in February and the lowest number of species was 27 species in June. 6. Among the total number of 15900 individuals, the highest number of individuals was 2899 individuals in December and the lowest number of individuals was 385 individuals in May. 7. Among the monthly species diversity index, the highest number of species diversity index was 2.6207 in September and the lowest number of species diversity index was 2.0716 in January.

본 연구는 갑천의 조류상에 관하여 2001년 9월부터 2002년 8월가지 1년간 매월 조사한 것으로 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 조사된 조류는 12목 31과 83종으로 15900개체 이었고, 물새는 백로과, 오리과, 뜸부기과, 도요 물떼새과 등으로 38종이었으며, 산새는 딱다구리과, 할미새과, 지빠귀과, 휘파람새과, 박새과, 멧새과, 까마귀과 등 45종이었다. 2. 조류의 이동성에 따라 분석하면 텃새 29종(35%), 여름철새 29종(35%), 겨울철새 18종(22%), 그리고 나그네새 7종(8%)이었다. 3. 천연기념물인 새매, 황조롱이, 붉은배새매가 관찰되었다. 4. 주요 우점종은 쇠오리, 흰뺨검둥오리, 청둥오리, 왜가리, 까치, 쇠백로 등의 순으로 이 지역은 수면성오리류와 백로류의 서식에 적합한 서식지환경을 가지고 있는 것으로 판단된다. 5. 종수의 월별 변화는 2월(37종)과 12월(36종)에 높게 나타났으며 6월(27종)과 5월(28종)에 낮게 나타났다. 6. 개체수의 월별 변화는 12월과 1월에 높게 나타났으며 5월과 6월에 가장 낮게 나타났다. 7. 월별 종다양도지수(H')는 9월에 2.6207로 가장 높게 나타났으며 다음으로 6월과 8월에 각각 2.5466, 2.5078의 순으로 높게 나타났고 1월에 2.0716으로 가장 낮게 나타났다.
