인터넷상의 육아관련 사이트 평가 도구개발

The Study for Developing Evaluation Tool of Child-Care Websites on the Internet

  • 발행 : 2002.06.30


Web sites on the internet are excellent information resources for the consumers to gain health care knowledge. Especially web sites related to child-care more increase recently. But a concern has emerged for the quality of contents contained on the child-care web sites. Lack of evaluation criteria have led to inaccurate and misleading child-care related publications on the Internet. For evaluating the quality and reliability of child-care related information on the Web, rating tool should be provided and developed. So, this article reviewed and investigated the elements to evaluate child-care sites on the internet. On the basis of the review of articles and the validity test about the contents, 16 preliminary items including purpose, contents, authority, feedback, design developed. Through the pilot study that apply the preliminary evaluating criteria to 20 evaluating criteria for child-care web sites developed. This evaluating criteria have 24 items and that were categorized to purpose(2 items), detail of contents(16 items), authority(2 items), feedback(2 items), design(4 items). The result of this study suggest that the evaluation criteria for child-care web sites may be useful for evaluating the quality of child-care web sites.
