Narrative Thought and ITS Implication on the Science Education

내러티브 사고의 과학교육적 함의

  • Published : 2002.12.30


In this paper, two modes of thought are assumed, which are known as the paradigmatic and the narrative mode of thought by Bruner(1985; 1986). The former leads to well-formed argument, but the latter to good story; each providing distinctive ways of ordering experience, of constructing reality. Though the two are complementary, but not reducible to one another. However modern schooling has focused on the paradigmatic mode. It has come to its peak in science education. Recently some educators began to gaze at the narrative mode in other humanities, but not science. Narrative is commonly considered to be foreign to science. But many scientists are convinced that modern science depends on speculation much more than observation. The speculation is conducted by intrapersonal or interpersonal narrative, which was called "science-making" by Bruner(1996). The purpose of this paper is to introduce the narrative mode of thought compared to paradigmatic mode as the new concepts and to discuss its implications on the science education. Three implications will be suggested. The first holds that science class should improve student's narrative sensibility throughout the live science-making. The second holds that the narrative mode of thought should be used with the support of the paradigmatic mode in science classroom. Exactly narrative interpretations are adjuncts to scientific explanations. The third holds that the evaluation method should be developed for the narrative work in science education.

본 연구의 목적은 내러티브 사고를 소개하고, 이의 과학교육적 함의를 논의하는 것이다. 따라서 전체적 관점에서 접근한 이론적 연구이며, 주로 문헌자료에 의존하였다. 현대 교육은 전반적으로 지식의 발견 측면을 중시하면서 패러다임 사고양식을 강화해왔다. 그러나 현대 과학은 직접적인 관찰보다는 대부분 이론적 추론에 의존하여 만들어진다. 이처럼 경험을 조직하여 과학적 실재를 구성하는 과학 만들기 활동은 내러티브 사고를 요구한다. 그러므로 과학교육에서도 이미 완성된 과학을 반복하기보다는, 살아있는 과학 만들기 활동이 이루어져야 하므로 내러티브가 도입될 필요가 있다. 이에 본 연구는 과학교육의 목적과 과학자 활동, 학생 활동 및 교수 활동 측면에서 내러티브 및 내러티브 사고의 가능성을 고찰하고, 그 과학 교육적 함의를 논의하였다.



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