A Study on the Synthesis of Organophilic [TEACOOH]-Montmorillonite Intercalations Complex and its Swelling Properties

  • Cho, Sung-Jun (Division for Advanced Matrials Engineering, Paichai University)
  • 발행 : 2002.01.01


In this research an organic cation, [TEACOOH] Br, with a long alkyl chain was synthesized which will replace the metal ion between the layers of Na-Montmorillonite and an organophilic [TEACOOH]-Montmorillonite intercalations complex was formed by the cation exchange reaction between the Na-Montmorillonite and the synthesized [TEACOOH] Br. After drying of this intercalations complex in high vacuum we have tried to experiment on the probability whether it will form complexes with various swelling solutions such as dist. water, methano, ethanol, toluene, acetonitrile and propionitrile and the corresponding basal sp acings measured were $17.41{\AA}$, $31.90{AA}$, $34.42{AA}$, $30.52{AA}$ and $32.36{AA}$, respectively.



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