효과적 건강상담을 위한 제 보건행동이론의 활용방안에 대한 연구

The Use of Health Behavior Theory for Effective Health Counselling

  • 김혜경 (이화여자대학교 대학원 보건교육학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


The use of health behavior theory in health counseling may improve its effectiveness. This article provides an overview of health behavior theory and guidelines on how to incorporate various theories into effective health counseling. Models that focus on behavior change at the individual level are described, including the health belief model, which focuses on individual health beliefs; social learning theory, which emphasizes interactions between individual, behavior and its environment; theory of reasoned action and theory of planned behavior, which examines factors influencing behavioral intention;. the stages of change model, which focuses on one's stage of readiness for change. Research review provides explanatory and predictive utility of four health behavior theories. Suggestions for effective health counselling are as follows: 1. Unified theoretical framework incorporating key concepts from different health behavior theories is needed. 2. Need assessment should be included in counselling process. 3. Behavior-change counselling should target changes in one or more key variables previously identified. 4. Focusing on promotional efforts into a high profile behavior(gateway behavior) can be an an adjunctive way of initiating other health promotion behaviors. 5. Counselling should be staged based, and different strategies and processes of changes should be applied at different stages.



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