중년 여성의 갱년기 증상과 운동수행 정도 및 주관적 건강상태와의 관련성 연구

A Study on Correlations among Menopausal Symptoms, Exercise Performance and Subjective Health Conditions of Middle-aged Women

  • 김남진 (연세대학교 보건대학원)
  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


This study conducted an analysis of the correlations among menopausal symptoms of middle-aged women, their exercise performance and subjective health conditions on those 417 middle-aged women aged 40-59 years, residing in Seoul and the Kyongki Province area, from December 6, 2000 through Jun. 20, 2001, using the SPSS 10.00 program. Resultant findings were revealed, as follows: 1. A difference was represented in general characteristics between menopausal symptoms of middled-aged women and variables such as satisfaction with life, sexual life, diseases, the presence or absence of surgical operations; a difference between exercise performance and variables such as age, the presence or absence of vocations, weight control, satisfaction with life, and sleep; and also a difference between subjective health conditions and variables such as weight control, satisfaction with life, diseases, and the presence or absence of surgical operations. 2. Furthermore, a difference was revealed between the levels of menopausal symptoms by exercise performance and variables such as mental and physical symptoms and psychological symptoms. 3. The group of good exercise performance showed higher subjective health conditions as to subjective health conditions by the levels of exercise performance. 4. The better their subjective health conditions, the lower their menopausal symptoms as to menopausal symptoms by subjective health conditions. 5. A negative relationship was disclosed between menopausal symptoms and exercise performance; a positive relationship between exercise performance and subjective health conditions; and a negative relationship between subjective health conditions and menopausal symptoms.



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