관절염 환자의 관절염 관련 지식수준과 관련요인

Arthritis Patients' Knowledge Level and It's Related Factors

  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


This study was conducted to examine arthritis patients' knowledge level and its related factors. Data were collected from 100 people who suffered from arthritis in Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Daejun, Junjoo, and Pohang from June 1, 2000 to August 31, 2000. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. 61.0% of the subjects was female. The incidence rate of arthritis was higher in the higher age group, lower educated group, and thinner group. In the case of male, the incidence rate was higher in the groups of single, residents in big cities, and technicians. In the case of female, it was higher in the groups of the married, residents in towns or villages, and housewives. 2. Among the sources of obtaining the knowledge related to arthritis, 38.0% of the respondents obtained the knowledge from physicians and 24.1 % got it from TV or Radio. 14.6% of them obtained it from family members, neighbors, and friends and 14.3% got it from newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets. Only 5.8% of them obtained the knowledge from pharmacists. The sources showed significant difference in the variables of age, occupation, marital status, religion, place of residence, and education level. 3. 47.2% of them thought that education related to arthritis was needed without fail, while 12.5% thought that it was not necessary. In the question related to concern about arthritis, ‘no concern’ was 31.2%, while ‘concern’ was 7.8% and ‘a little concern’ was 45.1 %. 4. The knowledge level of arthritis was 7.35 ± 1.51 points on the basis of 11 points. It showed significant difference in the variables of age, occupation, education level, and economic status. 5. The knowledge was influenced by the variables of economic status, necessity of publicity, treatment period, occupation, education level, and age. The arthritis patients did not have enough knowledge of arthritis because the education was not provided well for them. Therefore, related professionals and organizations must develop education program of arthritis in order to educate them.



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