송지의 세포독성과 항산화작용 및 arachidonic acid 생성 억제작용

The Inhibitory Action of Free Radical and Arachidonic Acid Production and Cytotoxic Effects of Pini Resina

  • 조경미 (대구가톨릭대학교 약학대학) ;
  • 석귀덕 (대구가톨릭대학교 약학대학)
  • 발행 : 2002.10.01


In this report, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and cytotoxic effects of the water extracts of Pini Resina, which has been as an additive to oral hygienic products together with sodium chloride in community, were investigated. The water extracts of Pini Resina, pretreated Pini Resina and Ramus Mori Albae-added Pini Resina all showed relatively low cytotoxicity. All samples showed concentration-dependent increase in electron-donating capacity to DPPH, especially, Ramus Mori Albae-added Pini Resina was the highest in the extent. Arachidonic acid release from the cell membrane was significantly inhibited by the presence of the samples above, among those, Ramus Mori Albae-added Pini Resina was the most effective in the inhibitory action of the release.



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