Control of Sulfonylurea Herbicide-Resistant Lindernia dubia in Korean Rice Culture

  • Kuk, Yong-In (Biotechnology Research Institute, Chonnam National University)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


A Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell var. dubia accession from Jeonnam province, Korea was tested for resistance to sulfonylurea (SU) herbicides, imazosulfuron and pyrazosulfuron-ethyl in whole-plant response bioassay. The accession was confirmed resistant to both herbicides. The $GR_{50}$ (herbicide concentration that reduced shoot dry weight by 50%) values of resistant accession were 264 and 19 times higher to imazosulfuron and pyrazosulfuronethyl, respectively, than that of the standard susceptible accession. The surviving resistant L. dubia after pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + molinate application can be controlled by sequential applications of soil-applied herbicides, butachlor, dithiopyr, pyrazolate, and thiobencarb and foliar herbicides, bentazon. Sulfonylurea-based mixtures such as mixtures of azimsulfuron + anilofos, bensulfuron-methyl + oxadiazon, pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + fentrazamide, and pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + anilofos + carfentrazon can also be used to control the surviving resistant L. dubia. However, use of these mixtures should be restricted to a special need basis. Thus, we suggest that sequential applications of non-SU-based mixtures such as butachlor + pyrazolate and MCPB + molinate + simetryne be used to control the surviving resistant L. dubia after SU herbicide applications. Rice yield was reduced 24 % by resistant L. dubia that survived after the pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + molinate application compared with pyrazolate + butachlor in transplanted rice culture. In vitro ALS activity of the resistant biotype was 40 and 30 times more resistant to imazosulfuron and pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, respectively, than the susceptible biotype. Result of in vitro ALS assay that the resistance mechanism of L. dubia to SU herbicides may be due, in part, to an alteration in the target enzyme, ALS.



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