장애아동 가족의 수입, 내구력, 누적 스트레스, 의사소통, 가족적응에 대한 구조모델검증

Families of Children with Disabilities: The Test of a Structural Model of Family Income, Hardiness, Pile-up Stress, Communication and Family Adaptation

  • 오승아 (성균관대학교 교육대학원)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


The purpose of this study was to test a structural model about family income as causally related to family hardiness, pile-up stress, communication, and family adaptation in families of children with disabilities. 250 families of children with disabilities participated as subjects. The models were developed on the basis of confirmatory factor analysis and compared using covariance structure modeling(LISREL). Adequate fitness of the model was observed. Family income showed negative effect on pile-up stress and positive effect on family adaptation. Pile-up stress showed negative effect on family hardiness. Family hardiness showed positive effect on family communication, and family communication showed positive effect on family adaptation.



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