복식에 나타난 미니멀리즘 연구

The Study of Minimalism in Costume

  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


The purpose of this study is to observe the meaning of Minimalism and the characteristics in modem fashion design. The Minimalism appeared in 1960's has affect on fashion design which are simple miniskirt or Courrage look of those days. It leads a fashion system to the simple style goes with the life style of modem persons although the characteristics are somewhat different the styles in 1960's with those of 1990's. Minimal style is not just simple style but abbriviate expression constrained at the minimum. The styles appeared to be an undecorated simple line which are a sleeveless onepiece, a simple suit with no pocket and no collar and narrow shoulder. Colors are monochrome coordination and pursue a simplicity which is monotone variation. Patterns also appeared to be a geometric or abstract pattern for example check and stripe, which intend to minimum expression. Matirials are hightech glossy coating textures which have a futuristic image. In conclusion, the Minimalism in 1990's appeared to be a post-minimalism associated with postmodernism and a hightech-minimal under the technology development.



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