인터넷 시장과 기존 시장의 효율성에 대한 소비자의 인지 - 20~30대 여성소비자를 중심으로 -

The Perception on the Efficiency of the Internet Market and the Traditional Market - Focused in Women Consumers in their 20s ~ 30s -

  • 남수정 (성균관대학교 생활과학부) ;
  • 김기옥 (성균관대학교 생활과학부)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


The purpose of this research is to study the efficiency of the Internet market, not provided to consumers by the existing traditional market. This research examines whether consumers properly understand the efficiency of the Internet market. The result from consumers perception on the efficiencies in the two market are as follows. First, consumers perceived the traditional market as having more product alternatives compared to the Internet market. Second, consumers perceived that the Internet market was more efficient in price dispersion and price change Third, the Internet market was considered more efficient in searching and travel time, and in the search cost. Finally, the traditional market was considered as a better provider of the information about product function, feature, reality, usage and service compared to the Internet market. On the contrary, the Internet market turned out to be more effective in providing product information, price information and trading information compared to the traditional market. Therefore consumers perceived the traditional market of having more information.



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