정부연구개발사업의 파급효과 분석 - 에너지절약기술개발사업의 사례

An Analysis on Effect of Government-funded Research Program - Case of Energy Conservation Technology Research Program -

  • 허은녕 (서울대학교 지구환경시스템공학부) ;
  • 배위섭 (광주대학교 토목환경공학부) ;
  • 이영수 (에너지기술연구원)
  • 발행 : 2002.07.01


This study analyzes effects of the government-funded energy conservation technology research program using a simple calculation-based valuation method. Energy conservation amounts by 50 commercialized technologies are calculated and then transformed to energy conservation effect and pollution reduction effect. Export and import-substitution effects are also calculated. Empirical results show that effectiveness of the research program has been increasing rapidly after 1996 while research fund has not. We suggest rapid increase of government support of this program so that the goal of the research program can be reached.



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  18. 한국기술혁신학회 2002 추계학술대회논문집 국가기술개발사업의 파급효과분석 -에너지절약기술개발사업의 사례- 허은녕;배위섭;이영수
  19. 대기오염물질배출량 환경부