혁신주기, 투자주기 그리고 경기변동에 관한 실증분석

An Empirical Analysis on the Relationship among Innovation Cycle, Investment Cycle and Business Cycle in Frequency Domain

  • 발행 : 2002.07.01


This study is try to do the empirical tests on the relationship among innovation cycle, investment cycle, and business cycle suggested in recent economic growth models. We apply co-spectra analysis to estimate dynamic correlations in the extraction HP filtered variables and first difference filtered variables in our data set. Our empirical results are; (i) an existing asynchronization between innovation cycle and investment cycle, (ii) in the long frequency, an existing positive correlation between innovation cycle and business cycle, (iii) in the short frequency, however, a finding the high negative correlation between the two cycle. Our empirical findings support the recent growth through cycle models and suggest some economic policy implementations for economic stabilization during a severe business cycle.



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