인천국제공항 착륙대 녹지지역의 잔디식재를 위한 한국잔디류 시공법 비교

Comparison of Construction Methods with Zoysiagrass at the New Incheon International Airport

  • 이상국 (아이오와 주립대학교 원예학과) ;
  • 이정호 (연세대학교 생물자원공학과) ;
  • 주영규 (연세대학교 생물자원공학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


The back-filled soil of the New Incheon International Airport construction site was reclaimed with sea sand in near the Young-Jong island. The primary study was carried out from August 1993 to June 1997 to study soil amendment and to select salt resistance turfgrass species. This study dealt with low maintenance area that included most part of open space of airport site. The second experiment, from October 1996 to August 1998, focused on soil amendment and selection of turfgrass species for alongside runway where turf area was maintained. Through two previous studies, propagation methods with zoysiagrass were tested for alongside runway and surrounding areas at 1998. The study of construction methods with zoysiagrass, vegetative propagation showed better results on visual quality and cover rating compare with seeding propagation. However, significant different between vegetative and seeding propagation was not showed on visual quality and drought tolerance after one year of plot establishment. The cover rating by seeding construction methods reached in excess of 70% of limitation suggested by the Incheon International Airport Cooperation. Zoysia net and sprigging net methods were the most suitable where there requires rapid and high rate of ground cover. Seeding propagation should be acceptable to obtain a resonable cover rating where there allows relatively longer period of completion. Therefore, it should be possible to attain a proper rating of ground cover on the site of open space, alongside runway or areas similar to the New Incheon International Airport which is being built on dredged seashore sand. However, the methods of soil amendment, selecting salt tolerance species, and proper construction procedure should be considered at the a time.



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