Neutron Cross Section Evaluation on Mo-95, Tc-99, Ru-101 and Rh-1()3 in the Fast Energy Region

  • Lee, Y. D. (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • J. H. Chang (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


The neutron induced nuclear data for Mo-95, Tc-99, Ru-101 and Rh-103 was calculated and evaluated in the fast energy region. The energy dependent optical model potential parameters were extracted based on the recent experimental data and applied up to 20 MeV. The s-wave strength function was calculated from the parameters. Spherical optical model, statistical model in equilibrium energy, multistep direct and multistep compound model in pre-equilibrium energy and direct capture model were used in the calculation. The theoretically calculated cross sections were compared with the experimental data and the evaluated files The model- calculated total and capture cross sections were in good agreement with the reference experimental data. The direct capture contribution improved the capture cross sections in pre- equilibrium region. The evaluated cross section results were compiled to ENDF-6 format and will improve the ENDF/B-Vl.



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