Speciation and Solubility of Major Actinides Under the Deep Groundwater Conditions of Korea

  • Published : 2002.10.01


The speciation and solubility of Am, Np, Pu and U have been analyzed by means of the geochemical code MUGREM, under the chemical conditions of domestic deep groundwater, in order to support the preliminary safety assessment for a Korean HLW disposal concept. Under the conditions of groundwaters studied, the stable solid phase is AmOHC $O_3$(s) or Am(OH)$_3$(s), soddyite((U $O_2$)$_2$ $SiO_2$.2$H_2O$) or N $a_2$ $U_2$ $O_{7}$ (c), Np(OH)$_4$(am), and Pu(OH)$_4$(am) for Am, U, Np, and Pu, respectively. The dominating aqueous species are as follows: the complexes of Am(III), Am(OH)$_2$$^{+}$ and Am(C $O_3$)$_2$$^{[-10]}$ , the complexes of U(VI), U $O_2$(OH)$_3$$^{[-10]}$ and U $O_2$(C $O_3$)$_3$$^{4-}$, the complexes of Np(IV), Np(OH)$_4$(aq) and Np(OH)$_3$C $O_3$, and the complexes of Pu(IV), Pu(OH)$_4$(aq) and Pu(OH)$_3$C $O_3$$^{[-10]}$ . The calculated solubilities exist between 1.9E-10 and 1.3E-9 mol/L for Am, between 5.6E-6 and 1.2E-4 mol/L for U, between 3.1E-9 and 1.3E-8 mol/L for Np, and between 6.6E-10 and 2.4E-10 mol/L for Pu, depending on groundwater conditions. The present solubilities of each actinide agree well with the results of other studies obtained under similar conditions.s.



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