Biological Control of the Pentatomid Stink Bug, Eocanthecona furcellata(Wolff.), by using their Parasitoid, Psix striaticeps Dodd, in Sericulture

  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


Stink bug, Canthecona furcellatta (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), is an important predator of silkworm larvae. Nymphs and adult attack the early stage silkworm larvae and causes about 10-15 per cent loss to silk industry. Synthetic organic pesticides has tremendous impact on minimizing the pest population but repeated and frequent use has created problems of residual toxicity, development of resistance to insecticides, pest resurgence and out break, phyto-toxicity and hazards to non target species and beneficial organism. Silkworms are very sensitive to pesticides; therefore, attempt has made to control the bug population through introduction of its native natural enemies in the silkworm-rearing field. Biological control has tremendous scope in sericulture because it is eco-friendly in nature and non-harmful farmers. Native natural enemies have been screened. Psix striaticeps, Trissolcus spp. and Telenomus spp. have been recorded as the most potential parasitoid against pentatomid bug. Life cycle, sex ratio and other various attributes of the par-asitoids have been recorded. The parasitization potential of the parasitoid is very high and they have the ability to discriminate between parasitized and unpar-asitized host. Mass propopagation technique under laboratory condition has been standaydized.



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