Biochemical Changes during Embryonic Diapause in Domestic Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae)

  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


Ecophysiologically diapause represents a syndrome of physiological and biochemical characteristics, all of which ensure survival during a long period of dormancy. Since, silkworm enters diapause as embryo at the early embryonic stage, the duration of egg life depends on the duration of embryonic diapause. The nature of diapause in silkworm, Bombyx mori, is primarily determined by genetic characters and endocrinologicnl mechanisms, mediated by environmental factors such as temperature and photoperiod. Hibernating potency value besides nucleic acid and carbohydrate metabolism, production and utilization of sorbitol are also equally responsible for induction, initiation, determination, maintenance and termination of diapause. Embryonic diapause in Bombyx moir, induced by active secretion of sub-oesophageal ganglion is attributed to hormonal system and metabolic adjustment, which serves to bring about a new physiological state. Metabolic conversion of trehalose to glycogen at induction, glycogen to sorbitol at initiation and sorbitol to glycogen at termination of diapause is correlated and in each metabolic shift a key enzyme becomes active in response to hormonal and environmental stimulation. An attempt has been made in this review article to discuss briefly the nature of embryonic diapause, influence of various factors on diapause nature, hormonal mechanism of diapause besides biochemical composition of egg, nucleic acid and carbohydrate metabolism, production and utilization of sorbitol in relation to induction, determination, maintenance, initiation and termination of diapause in the silkworm, Bombyx mori.



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