주요국 의료영상기기산업의 기술, 시장 및 정책분석

An Analysis on Medical Imaging Technology Industry in Korean Perspective

  • 이충희 (한국과학기술정보연구원) ;
  • 김상우 (생물학전공, 한국과학기술정보연구원)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


We have examined and analyzed the status of policy, R&D investments, patents and market share of medical imaging technologies for major countries including Korea, the United States, Japan and European Union. ]Korea is mostly inferior compared to the others in priority of industrial policy, R&D investment, research manpower, number of patents, technological level and world market share. However, Korea can recover competitiveness, if there are intensive government supports for this technology.



  1. 2001년도 국가연구개발투자분석 결과 v.4 과학기술부
  2. 사업소개자료 보건의료기술 연구기획평가단
  3. 특허조사보고서 의료기기에 관한 기술동향 일본특허청
  4. 전자의료기기 산업의 분야별 R&D 동향 전자의료기기 종합정보지원센터(MEDIC)
  5. Mathematics and Physics of Emerging Biological Imaging Committee on the Mathematics and Physics of Emerging Dynamic Biological Imaging;X-ray Projection Imaging;Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography;Positron Emission Tomography National Research Council
  6. The Science Budget 2001-02 to 2003-04 DTI;OST
  7. U.S. Medical Imaging Industry Outlook Frost;Sullivan
  8. 세계의 영상진단기기 시장 동향 Frost;Sullivan
  9. Survey of Federal Funds for R&D: 1999-2001 NSF;DSRS
  10. Basic Science and Technology Statistics OECD
  11. 2002년도 예산요구개요 일본경제산업성
  12. 2001년도 예산 일본 후생노동성