우관상동맥의 폐동맥 이상 기시증(ARCAPA)은 매우 드문 선천성 심기형으로 증세가 없는 건강한 환자에서 급사를 초래할 수 있으며 주로 부검시 혹은 수술 중 우연히 발견된다 환아는 2세된 여아로 우관상동맥의 폐동맥 기시 이상을 심장초음파 검사로 진단하였고 관상동맥조영촬영으로 확진하였으며 이상 기시하는 우관상동맥을 대동맥으로 성공적으로 전이하였다.
Anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from the pulmonary artery is a rare congenital anomaly that has generally been found incidentally during autopsy or surgery. Sudden death may occur without antecedent symptoms in apparently healthy, asymptomatic patients and hence operation is recommended when the lesion is recognized. As opposed to the more frequent anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery, only a few children with this anomaly have been reported to have undergone surgical treatment. This report describes a 2-year old patient whose diagnosis was made by echocardiography, confirmed by angiocardiography, and successfully corrected by reimplantation of the anomalous coronary artery into the aorta.