A Study on the Activation and Safety Management of Construction Remodeling

건축물 리모델링의 활성화 및 안전관리방안에 관한 연구

  • 양극영 (원광대 건축공학과) ;
  • 김천학 (국무총리 국무조정실 안전관리개선기획단) ;
  • 윤여완 (원광대 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2002.05.01


The purposes of this research are to use the buildings efficiently and long, save energies, make the cozy and comfortable environment of residential and living spaces, rearrange the related acts for easy implementation of remodeling, and activate the government's support programs so as to make remodeling activated in a safe mode. The scope and methodology of this research include the review of existing literatures and data on remodeling, census on apartment residents, influence factors, and the development of methods for activation of building remodeling and strengthening of safety management, like activation measures, licensing and ordering regulation updates, etc regarding the remodeling. Safety inspection and in-depth inspection before and after remodeling should be regulated. The construction materials for remodeling should be light weighted and the construction methods which can minimize the impact and vibration during construction should be selected. The improvement of regulation on the remodeling contractor qualification and order method should be updated. If the remodeling is activated and safety management is reinforced by the suggested measures, solving of lack of house, prevention of abuse of resources, and improvement of residential environment could be accomplished rationally.



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