Applications on p-values of Chi-Square Distribution

  • Hong, Chong Sun (Department of Statistics, SungKyunKwan University) ;
  • Hong, Sung Sick (Department of Internet Information Security, Hoseo Computer Technical College)
  • Published : 2002.12.01


In this paper, behaviors and properties of p-values for goodness-of-fit test are investigated. With some findings on the p-values, we consider some applications to determine sample size of a survey research using the regression equation based on a pilot study data. Regression equations are obtained by the well-known least squared method, and we find that regression lines could be formulated with only two data points, alternatively. For further studies, this works might be extended to t distributions for testing hypotheses about population mean in order to determine sample size of a prospective study. Also similar arguments could be explored for F test statistics.



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