전력수요관리 보조금 지원조건을 고려한 고효율기기의 확산모형 연구

A Study on Diffusion Model of High-Efficient Appliance Considering DSM Rebate Program's Conditions

  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


This paper proposed a new diffusion model considering DSM rebate program's support conditions. The proposed method used some aspects of the rebate program such as support qualifications, annual support volume, and support level per appliance as following : The support qualifications were limited as the consumer which can get the rebate program's benefit, the annual support volume was constrained as the fixing budget and the support level per appliance was considered by high-efficient appliance actuality price. This paper also proposed a new method that used neural network as its parameter estimation moth[,4 for the diffusion model. The diffusion model and its parameter estimation method are expected to be able to analyze the diffusion characteristics of high-efficient appliance through the rebate program and the effects of rebate program's support conditions. Also, these will be able to evaluate the impacts and to analyze the cost-effectiveness of Energy Efficiency Demand-Side Management(EEDSM) resources. The case study is performed on the high-efficient lighting appliance rebate program of Korea by using the suggested diffusion model and estimation method and thus verified its validity.



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