Enterotoxemia caused by Clostridium perfringens type A in Formosan deer

꽃사슴의 Clostridium perfringens A형에 의한 장독혈증 발생 보고

  • 이청산 (충청북도축산위생연구소) ;
  • 한성태 (충청북도축산위생연구소) ;
  • 곽학구 (충청북도축산위생연구소) ;
  • 박경재 (충청북도축산위생연구소) ;
  • 현공율 (충청북도축산위생연구소) ;
  • 조우영 (충청북도축산위생연구소) ;
  • 이종인 (충청북도축산위생연구소) ;
  • 배유찬 (국립수의과학검역원) ;
  • 진영화 (국립수의과학검역원)
  • Published : 2002.06.01


The case reports for clostridium type A enterotoxemia in Formosan deer have rarely been reported. This paper describes a natural case of type A enterotoxemia in farmed Formosan deer in Cheongwon-gun. A dead, male 10-month-old Formosan deer was submitted to Chungbuk Livestock and Veterinary Research Institute, March 24, 2001 and examined. That deer was fed with assorted grain feed, oak leaves, acorn and bean curd. Grossly there was no visible external change. Despite of the carcass being examined within 12 hours of death, there was a quite degree of posonortem decomposition. There was severe hemorrhage in the serosa of abomasum and small intestine. Much blood tinged and watery contents were contained in those organs. Also there were severe swelling of spleen, some red foci in hepatic parenchyma. Microscopically there were severe congestion and hemorrhage in mucosa submucosa, muscular layer, and serosa of abomasum and small intestine. Also spleen and pancreas showed severe Congestion and hemorrhage. There were multifocal hemorrhage with hepatic necrosis in periportal area and focal mononuclear cell deposition in sinusoid. In bacterial culture for small intestine, Cl perfringens was isolated. By toxin typing for the strain, that had $\alpha$ -toxin belonged to type A. In electronmicroscopy for feces, no vims particle was detected. Considering clinical signs, gross lesions, microscopic lesions, bacterial culture, and toxin typing of the isolate, this case was diagnosed as enterotoxemia by Cl perfringens type A.



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