A Study on XML/EDI System Security using XML Signature

XML 전자서명을 이용한 XML/EDI 시스템 보안에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2002.03.01


As Internet spreads rapidly, the industrial structure is changing to a new paradigm. The previous EDI system was asked to change and WEB EDI, E-Mail EDI, FTP EDI etc. which are based on the internet appeared. These days the XML/EDI which has XML document appeared. The XML/EDI consider advantages and disadvantages of VAN/EDI and EDI which based on the internet. Also, EDI system has to assure a safe exchange between sender and receiver. But, the internet has security problems because it uses a open TCP/IP protocol. Although there are many methods for security, it is being studied with XML concept. On this paper, we will suppose the XML/EDI system model with XML Signature, and build a procedure of electronic signature and delivery of document between sender and receiver.



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