cis,fac-Dibromooxotris(2,6- dimethylphenyl isocyanide)molybdenum (IV), cis,fac-$[Mo(O)Br_2(CN-C_6H_3-2,6-Me_2)_3]$의 분리 및 구조

Isolation and Structure of cis,fac -Dibromooxotris(2,6-dimethylphenyl isocyanide)molybdenum(IV), cis,fac-$[Mo(O)Br_2(CN-C_6H_3-2,6-Me_2)_3]$

  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


cis,cis,trans-[MoBr/sub 2/(CO)/sub 2/(PPh/sub 3/)/sub 2/]와 2,6-dimethylphenyl isocyanide의 반응으로부터 화합물cis,fac-[Mo(O)Br/sub 2/,(CN-C/sub 6/H/sub 3/,-2,6-Me/sub 2/)sub 3/] (1)이 분리되었다. 화합물 1의 구조가 분광학적 방법(/sup 1/H-NMR, /sup 13/C{/sup 1/H}-NMR, IR) 및 X-ray 회절법으로 규명되었다. 화합물 1의 결정학 자료: 삼사정계 공 간군 P(equation omitted), a=9.172(2) (equation omitted), b = 11.550(3) (equation omitted), c = 15.106(3) (equation omitted), α = 100.44(2)°, β= 107.12(2)°, γ= 107.83(1)°, Z = 2, R(wR/sub 2/) = 0.0529(0.1344).

From the reaction of cis,cis,trans- [MoBr/sub 2/(CO)/sub 2/(PPh/sub 3/)/sub 2/]with 2,6-dimethylphenyl isocyanide, a molybdenum oxohaloisocyanide compound cis,fac-[Mo(O)Br/sub 2/,(CN-C/sub 6/H/sub 3/,-2,6-Me/sub 2/)sub 3/] (1) was iso-lated. Compound 1 was characterized by spectroscopy (/sup 1/H-NMR, /sup 13/C{/sup 1/H}-NMR, IR) and X-ray diffraction. Crystallographic data for 1: triclinic space group P(equation omitted), a=9.172(2) (equation omitted), b = 11.550(3) (equation omitted), c = 15.106(3) (equation omitted), α = 100.44(2)°, β= 107.12(2)°, γ= 107.83(1)°, Z = 2, R(wR/sub 2/) = 0.0529(0.1344).



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