The Residents' Perception and the Application of Contingent Valuation Method for Green Areas in Apartment Housing Blocks

아파트 단지의 녹지조성에 대한 주민의식과 가상평가법 적용에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2002.06.01


This study is designed to derive a cost estimation method for the management of green areas in apartment housing blocks. For this purpose, quantity of green areas, their usages, management techniques were analyzed through a survey of residents. In this process, contingent valuation method(CVM) is utilized to evaluate the cost of green areas. The survey was conducted for about two weeks in June of 2002. The amount of willingness to pay(WTP) for green area management is calculated by the CVM program. The findings are as follows; First, the residents want more green areas in their apartment blocks, as well as in the surrounding urban areas, due to the shortage of green areas in their living environments. Second, the residents' opinion on green area is summarized as that of natural environment protectionist - it helps living environment to be more amenable and contributes the preservation of urban and global environments. This fact can be interpreted as the peoples profound recognition toward green areas. Third, the contingent valuation method(CVM) is suitable to evaluate WTP for management costs of green areas. Fourth, more than half of the residents(61.6%) agreed upon the costs of green area supply and management. calculated by the CVM. Estimated WTP is ₩ 1,900~2,400 per month per household.



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