This experiment was carried out to investigate the optimal dose of intravitreal gentamicin that decreases intraocular pressure effectively and minimizes complications in dog. After inhalation anesthesia, gentamicin was injected intravitreally into the left eyes at doses of 10, 15 and 20 mg with 1 mg dexamethasone, respectively. Sterilized isotonic saline and dexamethasone mixture into the right eyes for control. Six dogs were used in each group. Intraocular pressures were measured using applanation tonometer(Mentore, Tono-Pen) until 5 months after injection of gentamicin. Ocular examinations were performed using direct ophthalmoscopy. The ocular volumes of both eyes were measured. Intraocular pressures of eyes injected with 10. 15 and 20 mg of gentamicin were decreased significantly compared with control eyes. Severe corneal opacity and neovascularization occurred in 20 mg treated group. Intraocular hemorrhage was observed in 3 dogs of 20 mg treated group. Ocular volume was significantly decreased(p <0.05) in 20 mg treated group, compared with 10 and 15 mg treated group. It is considered that intravitreal gentamicin injection at dose of 10 mg or 15 mg decrease intraocular pressure effectively and minimize complications such as corneal opacity, hyphema and phthisis bulbus.