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- Biol Reprod v.16 Mechanism of the postcoital contraceptive effect of GnRH in the Rat. 1 Serum hormone levels during chronic LH-RH administration Beattie CW;Corbin A;Cole G;Corry S;Jones RC;Koch K;Tracy J
- Endocrinology v.105 Mechanism of the postcoital contraceptive effect of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone: ovarian luteinizing hormone receptor interactions Bex FJ;Corbin A
- Proc Soc Exp Biol v.144 Serum estradiol and progesterone concentrations in ovariectomized estrogen- and progesterone-primed and PMS-HCG-treated rats Colombo JA;Hilliard J;Sawyer CH
- Int J Fertil v.23 no.2 The anti-reproductive pharmacology of LH-RH and agonistic analogues Corbin A;Beattie CW;Tracy J;Jones R;Foell TJ;Yardley J;Rees RWA
- Biol Reprod v.13 Serum progesterone in pregnant rats with ectopic or in situ corpora lutea: Correlation between amount of luteal tissue and progesterone concentration Elbaum DJ;Bender EM;Brown JM;Keyes PL
- Biol Reprod v.24 Ovum transport in pregnant, pseudopregnant, and cyclic rats and its relationship to estradiol and progesterone blood levels Forcelledo ML;Vera K;Croxatto HB
- J Reprod Fert v.64 Antifertility effects of GnRH Fraser HM
- Anesthesiology v.65 Reproductive and teratogenic effects of lidocaine in Spragu-Dawley rats Fujinaga M;Mazze RI
- J Reprod Fert v.13 Plasma progesterone concentrations during pregnancy and lactation in the rat Grota LJ;Eik-Nes KB
- Biol Reprod v.16 The effects of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone(LH-RH) in pregnant rats. 1. Postnidatory effects Humphrey RR;Windsor BL;Reel JR;Edgren RA
- Biol Reprod v.19 The effects of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone(LHRH) in pregnant rats 2. Prenidatory effects and delayed parturition Humphrey RR;Windsor BL;Jones DC;Reel JR;Edgren RA
- J Reprod Fert v.75 Retationship between corpora lutea or fetal number and plasma concentations of progesterone and testosterone in mice Humphreys EM;Ghione R;Gosden RG;Hobson BM;Wide L
- Endocrionology v.90 Acute effect of gonadotrophins on the secretion of progestins by the rat ovary Ichikawa S;Morioka H;Sawada T
- Endocrinology v.105 A quanitative relation between the experimentally determined number of conceptuses and corpus luteum activity in the pregnant rar Kato H;Morishige WK;Rothchild I
- J Endocrinol v.132 Daily administration of gonadotrophin- releasing hormone increases pituitary gonadotroph number and pituitary gonadotrophin content, but not serum gonadotrophin levels, in female rats on day of dioestrus Kotsuji F;Hosokawa K;Tominaga T
- Endocrinology v.92 Serum luteinizing hormone, prolactin and progesterone levels during pregnancy in the rat Morishige WK;Pepe GJ;Rothchild I
- Endocroinology v.98 Action of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin in the immature female rat: Correlative changes in blood steroids, gonadotrophins, and cytoplasmic estradiol receptors of the anterior pituitary and hypothalamus Parker CR;JR;Costoff A;Muldoon TG;Mahesh VB
- Endocrinology v.95 A comparative study of serum progesterone levels on pregnancy and in various types of pseudopregnancy in the rat Pepe GJ;Rothchild I
- Acta Endocrinol v.82 The response of the immature rat ovary to gonadotrohins: Acute changes in cyclic AMP, progesterone, testosterone, androstenedione and oestradiol, after treatment with PMS or FSH+LH Sashida T;Johnson DC
- Biol Reprod v.25 In vivo and in vitro ovarian steroidogenesis in the pregnant rat Taya K;Greenwald GS
- J Endocr v.65 Plasma hormones and pituitary luteinizing hormone in the rat during the early stages of pregnancy and after post-coital treatment with tamoxifen(ICI 46,474) Watson J;Anderson FB;Alam M;O'Grady JE;Heald PJ
- Endocrinology v.106 Plasma testosterone and progesterone titers of pregnant rats, their male and female fetuses, and neonatal offspring Weisz J;ward IL
- Endocrinology v.87 Progesterone and 20 α -hyroxypretn-4-en-3-one in plasma, ovaries and uteri during pregnancy in the rat Wiest GW
- J. Endocr v.60 Changes in plasma levels of oestradiol, progesterone and luteinizing hormone in immature rats treated with pregnant mara serum gonadotrophin Wilson CA;Horth CE;Endersby CA;McDonald PG
- J Endocr v.99 Hormonal changes in the immature rat after administration of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin: influence of body weight Wilson CA;ter Haar MB;Bonney RC;Buckingham J;Dixon AF;Yeo T
- Endocrionology v.83 Interruption in the rat and hamster by administration of PMS or HCG Yang;Chang
- 경대논문집 v.51 임신랫드에 투여한 임마혈청성성선자극호르몬이 황체 및 태아에 미치는 영향 김영흥
- 한국수의공중보건학회지 v.18 no.3 임신 rat에 임마혈청성성선자극호르몬을 투여했을 때 기형발생 또는 태아흡수에 미치는 영향 김영흥;장인호;유창준;이근우
- 한국수의공중보건학회지 v.21 no.4 임신 rat에 투여한 PMSG가 혈장과 자궁액의 estrogen과 progesterone 및 Na 와 K농도에 미치는 영향 김영흥