Polyketide 이차대사물질의 생합성

Biosynthesis of Polyketide Secondary Metabolites

  • 윤여준 (울산대학교 공과대학 생명화학공학부) ;
  • 송재경 (선문대학교 자연과학부, 생체분자재설계연구소)
  • 발행 : 2002.10.01


The term polyketide defines a class of natural products synthesized through the successive condensation of small arboxylic acids, which results in products containing multiple carbonyl or hydroxyl groups, each separated by one arbon atom, as in the structural element CH$_2$C(=0)CH$_2$CH(OE)CH$_2$C(=0)-. Plant flavonoids, fungal aflatoxins, as well as undreds of compounds of different structures that can inhibit the growth of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites or human umor cells are included in this diverse group. Some of antifungal polyketides also have immunosuppresive activity. olyketides can vary widely in structure, and the diversity of polyketide structures reflects the wide variety of their iological properties. This review focuses on the biosynthesis of polyketides and recent progress in combinatorial iosynthesis of new hybrid polyketide compounds.



  1. Chem, Biol. v.5 Biosynthesis of the ansamycin antibiotic rifamycin: deductions from the molecular analysis of the rif biosynthetic gene cluster of Amycolatopsis mediterranei S699 August, P.R.;L. Tang;Y. J. Yoon;S. Ning;R. Mueller;T. W. Yu;M. Taylor;D. Hoffmann;C. G. Kim;X. Zhang;C. R. Hutchinson;H. G. Floss
  2. Eur. J. Biochem. v.192 The multifunctional 6-methylsalicylic acid synthase gene of Penicillium patulum.Its gene structure relative to that of other polyketide synthases Beck, J.;S. Ripka;A. Siegner;E. Schiltz;E. Schweizer
  3. J. Bacteriol v.177 Expression of a functional fungal polyketide synthase in the bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) Bedford, D. J.;E. Schweizer;D. A. Hopwood;C. Khosla
  4. Gene v.142 Cloning, sequencing and deduced functions of a cluster of Streptomyces genes probably encoding biosynthesis of the polyketide antibiotic frenolicin Bibb, M. J.; D. H. Sherman;S. Omura;D.A. Hopwood
  5. EMBO J. v.8 Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the Streptomyces glaucescens tcmⅠ genes provides key information about the enzymology of polyketide antibiotic biosynthesis Bibb, M. J.;S. Biro;H. Motamedi;J. F. Collins;C. R. Hutchinson
  6. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. v.97 Deoxysugars in glycopeptide antibiotics: enzymatic synthesis of TDP-L-epivancosamine in chloroeremomycin biosynthesis Chen, H.;M. G. Thomas;B. K. Hubbard;H. C. Losey;C. T. Walsh;M. D. Burkart
  7. J. Antibiot. v.40 Biosynthesis of the antibiotic actinorhodin. Analysis of blocked mutants of Streptomyces coelicolor Cole, S. P.;B. A. M. Rudd;D. A. Hopwood;C. J.Chang;H. G. Floss
  8. Nature v.348 An unusually large multifunctional polypeptide in the erythromycin-producing polyketide synthase of Saccharospolyspora erythraea Cortes, J.;S. F. Haydock;G. A. Roberts;D. J. Bevitt;P. F. Leadlay
  9. Eur. J. Biochem. v.13 Biosynthesis of 6-methylsalicylic acid Dimroth, P.;H. Walter;F. Lynen
  10. Gene v.111 Organization of the enzymatic domains in the mutifuctional polyketide synthase involved in erythromycin formation in Saccharopolyspora erythraea Donadio, S.;L. Katz
  11. Science v.252 Modular organization of the genes required for complex polyketide biosynthesis Donadio, S.;M. J. Staver;J. B. McAlpine;S. J. Swanson;L. Katz
  12. Chem. Biol. v.4 Engineered biosynthesis of novel polyketides: evidence for temporal, but not regiospecific, control of cyclization of an aromatic polyketide precurson Fu, H.;D. A. Hopwood;C. Khosla
  13. Gene v.74 Nucleotide sequence, transcription and deduced function of a gene involved in polyketide antibiotic synthesis in Streptomyces coelicolor Hallam, S. E.;F. Malpartida;D. A. Hopwood
  14. Microbiology v.140 Cloning and characterization of polyketide synthase genes for jadomycin B biosynthesis in Streptomyces venezuelae ISP5230 Han, L.;K. Yang;E. Ramalingam;R. H. Mosher;L. C. Vining
  15. J. Bacteriol. v.179 Identification and characterization of the niddamycin polyketide synthase genes from Streptomyces caelestis Kakavas, S. J.;L. Katz;D. Stassi
  16. J. Am. Chem. Soc. v.116 Engineered biosynthesis of triketide lactone from an incomplete modular polyketide synthase Kao, C. M.;G. Luo;L. Katz;D. E. Cane;C. Khosla
  17. Science v.265 Engineered biosynthesis of a complete macrolactone in a heterologous host Kao, C. M.;L. Katz;C. Khosla
  18. J. Am. Chem. Soc. v.117 Manipulation of macrolide ring size by directed mutagenesis of a modular polyketide synthase Kao, C.M.;Luo, G.;Katz, L.;Cane, D. E.;Khosla, C.
  19. Chem. Rev. v.97 Manipulation of modular polyketide synthase Katz, L.
  20. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. v.47 Polyketide synthesis: prospects for hybrid antibiotics Katz, L.;S. Donadio.
  21. Gene v.141 Sequences of the oxytetracycline polyketide synthase-encoding otc genes from Streptomyces rimosus Kim, E.-S.;M. J. Bibb;M. J. Butler;D. A. Hopwood;D. H. Sherman
  22. J. Am. Chem. Soc. v.119 Rational Design and Engineered Biosynthesis of a Novel 18-Carbon Aromatic Polyketide Kramer, P.J.;J. X. Zawada;R. McDaniel;C. R. Hutchinson;D. A. Hopwood;C. Khosla
  23. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. v.95 Production of a polyketide natural product in nonpolyketide-producing prokaryotic and eukaryotic hosts Kealey, J.T.;L. Liu;D. V. Santi;M. C. Betlach;P. J. Barr
  24. Gene v.172 Characterization of Streptomyces argillaceus genes encoding a polyketide synthase involved in the biosynthesis of the antitumor mithramycin Lombo, F.;G. Blanco;E. Fernandez;C. Mendez;J. A. Salas
  25. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. v.721 Correlation of the avermectin polyketide synthase genes to the avermectin structure. Implications for designing novel avermectins MacNeil, D. J.;J. L. Occi;K. M. Gewain;T. MacNeil
  26. Nature v.309 Molecular cloning of the whole biosynthetic pathway of a Streptomyces antibiotic and its expression in a heterologous host Malpartida, F.;D.A. Hopwood
  27. J. Am. Chem. Soc. v.119 Gain-of -function mutagenesis of a modular polyketide synthases McDaniel, R.;C. M. Kao;H. Fu;P. Hevezi;C. Gustafsson;M. Betlach;G. Ashley;D. E. Cane;C. Khosla
  28. Science v.262 Engineered biosynthesis of novel polyketides McDaniel, R.;S. E. Khosla;D. A. Hopwood;C. Khosla
  29. J. Am. Chem. Soc. v.115 Engineered biosynthesis of novel polyketides: manipulation and analysis of an aromatic polyketide synthase with unproven catalytic specificities McDaniel, R.;S. E. Khosla;D. A. Hopwood;C. Khosla
  30. Nature v.375 Rational design of aromatic polyketide natural products by recombinant assembly of enzymatic subunits McDaniel, R.;S.E. Khosla;D. A. Hopwood;C. Khosla
  31. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. v.91 Engineered biosynthesis of novel polyketides: influence of a downstream enzyme on the catalytic specificity of a minimal aromatic polyketide synthase McDaniel, R.;S.E. Khosla;H. Fu;D. A. Hopwood;C. Khosla
  32. Mol. Microbiol. v.13 Analysis of five tylosin biosynthetic genes from the tyllBA region of the Streptomyces fradiae genome Merson_Davies, L. A.;E. Cundliffe
  33. J. Am. Chem. Soc. v.117 Daunorubicin type Ⅱ polyketide synthase enzymes DpsA and DpsB determine neither the choice of starter unit nor the cyclization pattern of aromatic polyketides Meurer, G.;C.R. Hutchinson
  34. Chem. Biol. v.4 Iterative type Ⅱ polyketide synthases, cyclases and ketoreductases exhibit context-dependent behavior in the biosynthesis of linear and angular decapolyketides Meurer, G.;M. Gerlitz;W. Pienkowski;L. C. Vining;J. Rohr;C. R. Hutchinson
  35. The Polyketide Metabolites O'Hagen, D.
  36. J. Am. Chem. Soc. v.117 Remarkably broad substrate specificity of a modular polyketide synthase in a cell-free system Pieper, R.;G. Luo;D. E. Cane;C. Khosla
  37. J. Bacteriol. v.179 Minimal Streptomyces sp. strain C5 daunorubicin polyketide biosynthesis genes required for aklanonic acid biosynthesis Rajgarhia, V. B.;W. R. Strohl
  38. Gene v.203 A second type-ⅠPKS gene cluster isolated from Streptomyces hygroscopicus ATCC 29253, a rapamycin-producing strain Ruan, X.;D. Stassi;S. Lax;L. Katz
  39. J. Am. Chem. Soc. v.117 The Streptomyces glaucescens tcmKL polyketide synthase and tcmN polyketide cyclase genes govern the size and shape of aromatic polyketides Shen, B.;R. G. Summers;W. Pienkowski;C. R. Hutchinson
  40. EMBO J. v.8 Structure and deduced function of the granaticin-producing polykitide synthase gene cluster of Streptomyces violaceoruber Tu22 Sherman, D. H.;F. Malpartida;M. J. Bibb;H. M. Kieser;D. H. Hopwood
  41. Biochem. J. v.288 Purification and properties of 6-methylsalicylic acid synthase from Penicillium patulum. Spender, J. B.;P. M. Jordan
  42. J. Bacteriol. v.175 The tcmⅥ region of the tetracenomycin C biosynthetic gene cluster of Streptomyces glaucescens encodes the tetracenomycin F1 monooxygenase, tetracenomycin F2 cyclase, and, most likely, a second cyclase Summers, R. G.;E. Wendi-Pienkowski;H. Motamedi;C. R. Hutchinson
  43. J. Bacteriol. v.176 Nucleotide sequence of the aknA region of the aklavinone biosynthetic gene cluster of Streptomyces galilaeus Tsukamoto, N.
  44. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA v.96 A multiplasmid approach to preparing large libraries of polyketides Xue, Q;G. Asley;C. R. Hutchinson;D. V. Sante
  45. J. Bacteriol v.176 Cloning, sequencing, and analysis of the griseusin polyketide synthase gene cluster from Streptomyces griseus Yu, T.-W.;M. J. Bibb;P. W. Revill;D. A. Hopwood
  46. J. Am. Chem. Soc. v.120 Biosynthesis of desosamine-Construction of a new methymycin/neomethymycin analogue by deletion of a desosamine biosynthetic gene Zhao, L.;D. H. Sherman;H. W. Liu