A Coupled Finite Element Analysis of Independently Modeled Substructures by Penalty Frame Method

  • Maenghyo Cho (School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Won-Bae (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Inha University)
  • Published : 2002.10.01


A penalty frame method is proposed for the coupled analysis of finite elements with independently modeled substructures. Although previously reported hybrid interface method by Aminpour et al (IJNME, Vol 38, 1995) is accurate and reliable, it requires non-conventional special solution algorithm such as multifrontal solver. In present study, an alternative method has been developed using penalty frame constraints, which results in positive symmetric global stiffness matrices. Thus the conventional skyline solver or band solver can be utilized in the solution routine, which makes the present method applicable in the environment of conventional finite element commercial software. Numerical examples show applicability of the present method.



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